The most recent meetings of the EUEW Board of Directors and Advisory Council took place on October 23rd, in Oslo. One of the main topics for both meetings was the discussion and final approval of the EUEW Strategic Roadmap, document which was carefully planned and elaborated by a very dedicated workgroup including some of the members of the EUEW Board of Directors.

The discussions about a new strategic direction for the EUEW were started in the summer of 2017, when the federation also welcomed its new Secretary General, Mr. Hans Hanegreefs. These discussions continued with several meetings of the workgroup who elaborated the new strategy of the organization for 2019 – 2021 and culminated with the presentation of the Strategic Roadmap during the meeting of the Board of Directors in Bonn, in June 2018. After the excellent results brought by the new format of the EUEW General Convention, which was tested in Bonn this year, the workgroup was able to further refine the Strategic Roadmap and bring to the meeting of the EUEW Board of Directors a very concrete and clearly structured plan to be implemented over the next 3 years.
The actions of the Strategic Roadmap are directed towards 3 impact areas:
EUEW aims to be recognized as the watchdog for regulations, to make them favorable for the electrical wholesalers’ industry;
EUEW aims to be recognized as the business and industry intelligence provider;
EUEW aims to be recognized as the reference community in its industry;
After the meeting of the Board of Directors in Oslo, it was decided that, for the next 3 years, the EUEW would focus on the following main actions:
An analysis of the EUEW eco-system based on an environmental scan at European and national level, with the support of the national association members of the EUEW and the elaboration of the strategic agenda of the EUEW.
Intelligence analyses, economic forecasts and other relevant reports for the industry done by professionals. For this aim, the EUEW has already started organizing some preliminary discussions with service providers that would be able to provide such reports.
Partnerships with peer organizations for which the EUEW is currently having talks with EuroCommerce and FEST in order to identify the areas where such partnerships could be mutually beneficial.
Creating a platform for communication and knowledge starting with the main project of the organization – the General Convention of the EUEW, which will suffer more changes in the future, to accommodate more tools for the improvement of communication between the electrical wholesalers and knowledge sharing.
Creating a system for regular monitoring and reporting to improve the quality and precision of statistics, trends and business outlooks.
Several of these actions actually started already in the 3rd quarter of 2018 and are now fully deployed and on course with its operations plan. As these actions will mature and be implemented further in the near future, the EUEW will be able to share more details, but also clear results of its activities with its member organizations and industry environment.