The European Union of Electrical Wholesalers (EUEW) is committed to adhering strictly to the letter and spirit of the antitrust laws. Any and all meetings, communications, conference calls, shared resources and collaborative workspaces (including, without limitation, the EUEW website; online chats; blogs; social or business networking events [such as EUEW’s: Leaders conference, General Convention; social or business networking tools [such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter]; data sharing; document sharing; forums; instant messaging; Skype or other remote communications; wikis; voice clips broadcast; podcasts and web publishing) conducted under the EUEW’s auspices (collectively referred to as "EUEW Activities”) are designed solely to provide a forum or means for the expression of various points of view. Under no circumstances shall EUEW activities be used as a means for competing companies to reach any understanding, expressed or implied, which tends to restrict competition, or in any way, to impair the ability of members to exercise independent business judgment regarding matters affecting competition. EUEW member representatives, staff, guests and other stakeholders are requested to abide by all the above commitments.
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