Dear members and peers of the EUEW Community, it is my great pleasure to reach out to you and share some excellent news in respect to the European Union of Electrical Wholesalers.

Apart from having to swiftly adapt to the new conditions imposed by the COVID Pandemic, the EUEW is currently going through another transition.
As you know, Mr. Hans Hanegreefs, former EUEW Secretary General, has decided to follow a new career course, leaving the position of Secretary General vacant. For a few months of transition, this role has been fulfilled by me, with a double role as acting President of the EUEW but also taking on tasks pertaining to the position of Secretary General, with the support of the EUEW Head of Operations, Mr. Koen Lauryssen.
Today, I am very happy to introduce Mr. Eric Piers as new Secretary General of the EUEW.

Mr. Piers has expressed his willingness to take on the mandate of Secretary General on an interim basis to support the President and the EUEW Bureau. Mr. Piers will take up this mandate for an initial period of 6 months, after which Eric will evaluate the situation and his availability; this period will allow the EUEW to reflect further on another, more permanent, solution for the position of Secretary General.
With a vast background of working with FEDIBEL, the Belgian national association member of the EUEW, and being a long time Board Member of the EUEW, Eric will bring his knowledge and experience of working with key decision makers of the wholesalers’ industry to the EUEW in an effort to strengthen the EUEW’s team, offer the necessary support, and supervising the day-to-day activity of the EUEW.
Eric steps in at a crucial moment, as the EUEW has several internal and external projects under way and is also preparing to host one of the few in-person networking events of the industry this year, the EUEW Annual Business Convention, which will take place in November, in Barcelona.
I invite you all to join me in welcoming Eric as the new Secretary General of the EUEW and wish him all the best with his new role.
Best regards and stay safe!
Alexander Dewulf
EUEW President