In March 2018, the EDA led a first-time visiting delegation of 30 senior wholesalers and influential contractors from the Presidential teams at the ECA (the UK’s Electrical Contractors’ Association) and SELECT (representing contractors and electricians in Scotland).
The EDA visit was supported by the EUEW who made key introductions behind the
scenes and generously provided a welcome lunch for the delegates, hosted by Hans Hanegreefs, Secretary General of the EUEW.
The EDA programme – on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 March 2018 – was designed to support those affiliated members that exhibit in Frankfurt, combined with as many networking opportunities as possible, including a popular (indeed over-subscribed) LIA-sponsored dinner on the Tuesday evening.
‘Awe-inspiring’, ‘eye-opening’ and ‘blister-inducing’ are just some of the words used by delegates to describe their experiences at the exhibition.
The EDA is hoping to make a longer visit in 2020, and with a larger group of delegates.